This is Winfrida, one of the orphans. There is a ban of polythene bags in Kenya and the children are struggling to carry books from and to school. All the children need school bags to carry books. It costs about $400 to purchase bags for all our children.
This is Glivin. His parents died of HIV/AIDS. He is also HIV/AIDS. We are requesting for sponsorship for this young man.
The Opening of a New Avenue of Income
by Raising Chickens
The Lord is opening up a new avenue of income in the future as the orphanage director has a friend who lives in Dubai and wants to bless the orphanage with 30 chickens to get started. This will help in providing the children with eggs to eat and be able to sell some eggs for income generation. However his friend wants the orphanage to build a poultry house before he purchases the chickens. The total cost of the poultry house is $412 and each chicken costs $6. We are trusting God for these funds to move forward with this vision and need.
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