Children of the King.

Children of the King.
God is able to make all grace abound to us that always having sufficiency in everything, that we would have an abundance for every good work. (2 Cor 9:8)

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Miracle Well

God is SO Good!!  What the enemy meant for evil God uses for good.

During this last month of March soon after the dormitory roof was complete we had a mishap with one of the children. Joshua, one of the 10 yr old boys, was hit by a careless motorcyclist and was admitted to the hospital and required surgery for a broken leg. Although he is recovering well after the surgery and the casting, and we thank God for his healing and that it wasn't more serious, we were concerned for the children's safety as this is the second child that has required hospital treatment within the last 4 months for a broken leg due to being hit by a careless motorcylist.  Lilliana also was hit in November and broke her leg. Both children were fetching water from the river to bring back to the orphanage. With this concern the pastor of the orphanage began to pray and seek the Lord who directed him to begin digging a well by faith on the orphanage property. This would keep the children off the road, out of traffic, and give them safety as they brought water from the well to the purification bottles. The pastor knew this well would be a very costly project and had not felt led to tackle it before, however because of the recent accidents and by the Lord's prompting he stepped out in faith.

We praise God that as the pastor began this work and before the men had finished digging the well a local company that supplied the orphanage with the water purification bottles and also supplies water and digs wells passed through the orphanage and made a plea. The company offered to donate a $1200 water pump that pumps water from the well by the use of solar energy and give it to the orphanage for $430. We began to pray and believe God for the provision. Over the next couple weeks the Lord provided through the pastor and his wife, the orphanage church members, and through us and our generous supporters enough to cover this pump and complete the well. We praise God for this! He is always faithful to provide. God continues to show His faithfulness in this ministry to the children.

Initial digging of well.

 Laying pipes to supply the orphanage.

Men working on the pump.
                           Water pumping into tank on the pastors roof that will supply all
                                                         areas of the orphanage.

Smiling faces, happy children, running water!
Praise God!

We thank God for the grace and faith He gave the pastor to step out in this faith work for the safety of the children. It is truly a work of faith working by love. LOVE is the motivation for all that we are doing for these children. The pastor and his wife love these children dearly and have committed their lives to the Lord and to care for these orphans who are precious to the Lord. We support them with our prayers and our love and the provision that the Lord flows through us to them. It is a faith work for all of us. Many of you have given sacrificially to help these children, and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We want you to know that your love and seeds of support have changed their lives forever. Every dollar you sow is a seed into their future and into their God given purpose to unfold in their lives.
We all have SO much to be thankful for, and we are blessed to be a blessing. Know that you are fulfilling your purpose and call as you obey the Lord in your giving. It has eternal rewards. This is a Kingdom work and we are advancing the Kingdom together as we serve these children. They are  generation of world changers!
God bless you!            

                 The children planting blue gum trees for future firewood for the orphanage.
                                              Smiling faces as they work together.

                  The children enjoying a treat and drink together......precious in His sight.

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